Success News You Can Use, High-Heeled Success® Newsletter - January/February, 2021

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January/February, 2021  

January/February Newsletter

Create Buzz

Create Career Buzz

Kay Fittes, February, 2021

Lately, I have fielded a lot of questions about how invisible people feel in their career due to the pandemic.  If you are working remotely, this is probably even more of a concern.  You are not being dramatic, jumping to conclusions, or being paranoid.  When you are out of the office, “out of sight, out of mind” is a legitimate concern.  You may go back to your physical workplace in the future and some of you are going to work remotely going forward.  This invisibility does not have to be your fate.  YOU can take the helm of your career, guide it out of choppy waters and into calmer seas.  There are so many things you can’t control right now.  That is one of the many frightening things about the pandemic, the world is unpredictable!  When humans are faced with chaos, having some things they can control can really improve your mental health and your career.  [Read More]

Kay’s Consulting Corner

Kay Fittes

Each month in this section, Kay offers actionable career consulting tips.

“Buzz” Actions to Move You Forward

  1. Sign up “Buzz Buddies”.  List 10 people who care about your success.  A mix of people: inside your company, your industry, friends, or colleagues.  Star the top 3 you assume would be interested in a buddy agreement.  Reach out to these people and gauge their interest.  If they are interested, create a plan for exchanging information, frequency and where to place information.

  2. Create a “buzz” plan.  Make a commitment to yourself to put something out into your corner of the world weekly.  Maybe you recently completed a certification.  Make sure it gets mentioned in your company newsletter but expand it by telling the editor there were some pertinent take-aways worth sharing with the organization.  Tell them you would be willing to either be interviewed or write up a short blurb on the most valuable information you learned.

  3. Leverage and nurture relationships.  It’s smart to comment on social media posts but take it to the next level.  Recently I commented on a colleagues’ posts for lawyers.  I am not an attorney but what she said applied to many women and I acknowledged that.  She thanked me and we had several back-and-forth conversations.  I invited her to connect on LinkedIn, then messaged her and suggested we do a one-on-one.  What a fabulous phone call that was.  We resonated, I have quoted her, and she has quoted me.  She is starting a Podcast that I will be on and we are talking about a guest spot in this newsletter.  You get my drift!  There is no telling where this may lead.  What is your version of this?  Take 10 minutes and brainstorm what leveraging and nurturing a professional relationship might look like.

Are you stumped?  Really not sure what would be valuable to your career and what would be a waste of time?  It is a lot more difficult to come up with ideas when it’s your life.  Call me at (513) 561-4288 or email me at to schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss what it would mean to your career to take action on this.

Client Testimonial – Susan Peery

Susan Peery

I met Kay when she presented a keynote for Midway Toastmaster’s Open House.  Immediately, I sensed a chemistry with her, a kindred spirit and said to myself, “This lady is really interesting!” I now know my gut was not wrong.  I even volunteered to participate in an activity she conducted at the Open House.  I knew then and there I wanted to coach with her, and I didn’t even know what the price would be!

Ms. Fittes is a wealth of experience and knowledge, plus she has resources that are so valuable.  She has all sorts of tricks up her sleeve and documents that support the learning.  Kay is terrific at empathizing and her non-judgmental style is just what I need.  I would imagine a lot of her clients feel that way.  She never makes me feel small, even when I haven’t completely followed through on an action.  We just keep coming up with proactive steps to overcome the challenges, to me that is key.  I don’t beat myself up, I don’t wallow in inaction, I just keep moving forward.

The results in my business have been significant.  I am not nearly as intimidated by my obstacles.  It’s just like she says in her tagline, “Stepping over the obstacles”.  Overall, I feel less overwhelmed and keep putting one foot in front of the other.  This experience has increased my joy and taken the drudgery out of life and business.  Even during the heavy snow and pulling heavy berry products through the snow at my business farm, I was able to be in the present and see that bright side.

If you are not where you want to be in your career or business and you find the right person to coach you, do it in a heartbeat.  I knew hearing Kay’s keynote I wanted to work with her.  At the very least, get her book, Achieving High-Heeled Success: 50 Ways for Career-Oriented Women to Succeed, it will give you a jumpstart.  Every one of those 50 tips is a nugget!  Plus, a female coach for a woman in her career or business is key.

Susan Hannah Peery
Abbington Meadows, LLC
(317) 402-1580

Dress for Success

High-Heeled Success® supports Dress for Success through donations of clothing, time and money.  We offer complimentary seats at every workshop for women participating in the Dress for Success program.


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