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Billien McCowan

Billien McCowan

My pivotal meeting with Kay Fittes occurred when she was the keynote speaker at a conference presenting the topic “Kick Your Success Roadblocks to the Curb”.  She discussed three tips for success that are on my wall as a daily reminder.  I keep my notes from that presentation right in front of me, it had an impact!  I was not aware that she provided coaching until, at the conference, I heard some of her individual clients discussing their positive experience with her and how much they had learned.  The words of her clients lead me to ask about coaching.

This experience has been priceless.  Kay has a very skilled approach to asking probing questions that has been totally eye opening for me.  Ms. Fittes has shared insights, career experiences, provided me with new tools and challenged me to explore new angles that I have never tried before.  It has been exponential growth for me.

As a result of our ongoing coaching:

  • The trust level between my team and me has increased.
  • Trust has grown within the team.
  • Use of my new tools and techniques has lead to invitations for opportunities.
  • Kay has guided me in a strategic view of those opportunities.  Opportunities do not come by accident, they must be created.  Our coaching is positioning me to produce and capitalize on those career building situations.

I didn’t know what to expect from coaching.  After discussing coaching with other women, I realized Kay’s approach is so flexible.  She has the ability to meet people where they are and target their specific needs — that’s a gift.  I am so glad I made the decision to go this route with coaching, and getting to know Kay well has been “the icing on the cake”!

Billien McCowan
Pharmacy Training and Communications Manager
The Kroger Company—Kroger Plaza 1
11300 Cornell Park Drive, Suite 102
Cincinnati, OH 45242