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Wanda Ganjehsani

Wanda Ganjehsani

I met Kay in the spring when she was the keynote speaker at a conference I attended.  As she told her stories, immediately I heard myself and some of my challenges reflected in those stories.  Ms. Fittes offered a complimentary consultation and during that session I immediately felt comfortable with her and sensed a connection.  My obstacles were clear but I was unsure what to do to banish those obstacles.  It’s very easy to get in a rut and not see the obvious, so having a different perspective is quite beneficial.  Then we took the next step to a formal coaching relationship.

It has been a great experience to have Kay guiding me.  I have quickly taken her advice and applied it.  Here are just a few of the results:

  • My confidence has been built and I am trying new communication techniques at work.
  • Conflict situations that were difficult before are far less stressful now.  Being less afraid is quite empowering.
  • I realize I have the right to my opinions, plus my worst fears about that expression have never materialized.
  • Dealing with authority figures is far less intimidating, as I am approaching my boss with the mindset of being her advocate and shifting the balance of power.

I recently told a classmate, “Coaching with Kay is one of the best things I’ve ever done, having a career coach is key.  Even though I am a Learning and Development professional and cognitively knew many of the issues we have addressed, it’s challenging to make changes because we are just too close to our own issues.  More people should look into being coached.

Wanda Ganjehsani, PHR